Hermès, specialized in leather equestrian goods has rapidly been oriented to bags, Hermes purses and hand bags are always in trend and so glamorous to wear, they can match all your wardrobe and they have been deeply favored by many women. There are many types of Hermes Hand bags, find below a various selection of the most famous kinds of Hermes Bags.
Hermes Birkin Bag
Birkin style are personnaly my favourite, they are the ultimate best choice of a bag if you’re a person who consider her hand bag as if it is her personal pocket.
Hermes Ostrich Birkin Bag
They look like the Birkin ones but there upper design is oval
Hermes Jige Clutch
Clutches have also their own charm, worn usually when you have a simple evening dinner out.
Hermes Kelly Tri-Crocodile Bag
Hermes Kelly Bag
These are the most cute ones
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